Online Forex Trading Strategy - How to Make Currency Trading Systems Work For You Now that there are hundreds of Forex margin brokers, millions of free Forex trading tips webistes and literally hundreds of thousands of Forex day trading strategy "home based business" Forex traders, we can say that virtually anyone with an internet connection can trade Forex with the pros. In any power trading strategy, a proven trading method will mean that through Forex strategy testing and by using trading risk management, no more than one or two per cent of a total account value is put at risk in a single trade. This is key in the path to big Forex profits. Any trader beginning out will look at the trading methodologies available to them and decide to create trading rules for their Forex trading strategy. Forex trading (currency trading) initiates should be aware therefore not only of technical and fundamental analysis and predicting Forex prices, but also of how to be a trading strategy tester and to have strong Forex trading rules that help them to make the big Forex profits they are seeking. The alternative is to have more experienced Forex trading systems used by more experienced traders end up causing you to lose all your money in your Forex business - the harshest possible outcome. Having the following in place could assist you in getting started right away in Forex trading (currency trading): a Forex trading software platform; a free Forex trading strategy (or a paid for one for that matter); an understanding of fundamental and technical analysis and a trading risk management system. From these elements (and also the support of a daily Forex strategy briefing from a margin broker or some other site) you can start Forex trading in the fx market with your own Forex trading strategy rules. Learning currency trading online needs to begin with sound trading risk management and how to manage your trading account balance by making intelligent risk decisions with your trading account. The risks can be higher with Forex because the moves in a week can be equivalent to a month in stock moves. Volatility is to be expected. Currency trading strategy rules for a Forex business can be developed by amalgamating Forex trading systems of others or simply garnering a Forex education to include: fundamental and technical analysis; trading money management (risk management); a daily Forex strategy briefing from a "third party" and a way of creating Forex forecase signals (in other words a means of predicting future Forex prices from perhaps a technical setup on a currency pair or simply from Forex strategy testing that has been carried out. Forex strategy testing can either be done through using a practice account through your broker or by paper trading your strategy. A third option is to use software such as Forex strategy tester which can run a simulation of what could happen if you trade by your rules with some limitations on accuracy. Free Forex trading strategy tips are available from Forex ebooks webistes all over the web. The truth is that the Forex trading fx market needs to be treated as a business that runs like a Forex trading machine as much as possible. This is key if you are to make big Forex profits in live trading. Lack of regulation means that anyone can sell a "scalping trading strategy" or so-called "foolproof trading method" and make themselves out to be an expert or even say they are a long term bank trader when they are not. There is a need for caution therefore when deciding on where to get your Forex education because not any Forex trading guide is actually going to help in your predicting Forex prices in the near, medium or long terms. It behooves you to go out and look at what is on offer from Forex trading websites and learn more about the global currency markets after you have read this article. Some sites are listed in the resource box at the end to start you off. Trading Forex online then presents challenges. The rest of this article will address those challenges. In order to trade effectively, a Forex trading guide is needed for the initiate in to the Forex markets to be able to learn online currency trading, understand trading risk management and how to manage money, discover technical and fundamental analysis, how these types of analysis of the market differ and how to apply them in creating a Forex trading machine. This means that after all the cogs are set in place you will have a Forex trading machine that enables you to its like a professional and make decisions based in the moment and on the facts that are presented to you, rather than guess or gambling work - although there is invariably an element of risk, your job is to eliminate the risk as much as possible in applying your trading strategy. To make this happen, you will start to think about what you may need in order to implement your trading strategy. For example, will you be needing a daily Forex strategy briefing from either a paid service or a free provider of its strategy briefings - such as perhaps your broker or a third party service. In your technical analysis will you be utilising traditional indicators such as those involved in a bands trading strategy (Bollinger Bands), will you rely on charts created by a its platform or other currency price forecast type service or will you be professional analyst charts to make your decisions? A proven trading method is hard to come by. There are educators who have been trading Forex for banks and other institutions for many years. However they are still going to find it incredibly difficult to pass on their years of knowledge, at least not in the time most people want to go from knowing nothing about Forex trading (currency trading) to being an expert and making money with its as a business. In sum, it is multidimensional. There are several aspects of absolute importance. These include strategy, both in terms of trading and money management, education - both initial and ongoing and focusing in on mastering a specific area whether that be a particular currency pair or aspect within the field - such as global economics of a particular country.ll

Wooow Comelnya Kedua Haiwan Kanggaru Ini cium tangan pasangannya!

Ada kalanya kita harus memohon maaf di atas kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh kita. Namun, terdapat cara untuk memohon maaf dengan hormat dan tulus supaya maaf kita diterima. Kita harus sampaikan permohonan maaf dengan jelas dan secara langsung. Tetapi pernahkah anda melihat haiwan ‘memohon maaf’?

Sambil memegang tangan pasangannya itu, ia terus mencium tangan pasangannya.

Tetapi kelihatan pasangannya itu masih merajuk, hanya memandang ke tepi. Mungkin kanggaru tersebut telah melakukan kesalahan yang berat.

Melihat tiada respon daripada pasangannya, ia mencium tangan pasangannya sekali lagi.

Nampaknya, pasangannya tidak mahu menerima permintaan maafnya. Pasangannya bertindak menolaknya.

Ia cuba untuk tenangkan pasangannya yang kelihatan seperti sedang marah. Ia meletakkan tangannya di dada pasangannya supaya tenang

Mungkin ia telah ‘kantoi’ curang, sebab itu pasangannya kelihatan seperti berat untuk memaafkannya.

Sumber : Era Baru
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Life Insurance - Learn From an Old Agent Life Insurance is an insurance product that pays at the death of the insured. It really should be called "Death Insurance," but people don't like that name. But it insures the death of an individual. Actually, what is insured is the economic loss that would occur at the death of the person insured. Those economic losses take a lot of different forms, such as: - the income stream of either "breadwinner" in a family - the loss of services to the family of a stay-at-home-mom - the final expenses at the death of a child - final expenses of an individual after an illness and medical treatment - "Keyman" coverage, which insures the owner or valuable employee of a business against the economic loss the business would suffer at their death - estate planning insurance, where a person is insured to pay estate taxes at death - "Buy and Sell Agreements," in which life insurance is purchased to fund a business transaction at the untimely death of parties in the transaction - Accidental death insurance, in which a person buys a policy that pays in case they die due to an accident - Mortgage life insurance, in which the borrower buys a policy that pays off the mortgage at death - and many more. Life insurance has been around for hundreds of years, and in some cases, has become a much better product. The insurance companies have been able to develop mortality tables, which are studies of statistical patterns of human death over time...usually over a lifetime of 100 years. These mortality tables are surprisingly accurate, and allow the insurance companies to closely predict how many people of any given age will die each year. From these tables and other information, the insurance companies derive the cost of the insurance policy. The cost is customarily expressed in an annual cost per thousand of coverage. For example, if you wanted to buy $10,000 of coverage, and the cost per thousand was $10.00, your annual premium would be $100.00. Modern medicine and better nutrition has increased the life expectancy of most people. Increased life expectancy has facilitated a sharp decrease in life insurance premiums. In many cases, the cost of insurance is only pennies per thousand. There is really only one type of life insurance, and that is Term Insurance. That means that a person is insured for a certain period of time, or a term. All of the other life insurance products have term insurance as their main ingredient. There is no other ingredient they can use. However, the insurance companies have invented many, many other life products that tend to obscure the reasons for life insurance. They also vastly enrich the insurance companies. Term Insurance The most basic life insurance is an annual renewable term policy. Each year, the premium is a little higher as a person ages. The insurance companies designed a level premium policy, which stopped the annual premium increases for policyholders. The insurers basically added up all the premiums from age 0 to age 100 and then divided by 100. That means that in the early years of the policy, the policyholder pays in more money that it takes to fund the pure insurance cost, and then in later years the premium is less than the pure insurance cost. The same level term product can be designed for terms of any length, like 5, 10, 20, 25 or 30 year terms. The method of premium averaging is much the same in each case. But this new product caused some problems. Insurers know that the vast majority of policyholders do not keep a policy for life. Consequently the level term policyholders were paying future premiums and then cancelling their policies. The insurance companies were delighted because they got to keep the money. But over time, they developed the concept of Cash Value. Cash Value Insurance With Cash Value insurance, a portion of the unused premium you spend is credited to an account tied to your policy. The money is not belongs entirely to the insurance company. If you cancel your policy and request a refund, they will refund that money to you. Otherwise, you have other choices: 1. Use the cash value to buy more insurance 2. Use the cash value to pay existing premiums 3. You may borrow the money at interest 4. If you die, the insurance company keeps the cash value and only pays the face amount of the insurance policy. So, does this cash value product make sense? My response is "NO!" Cash Value Life Insurance comes in lots of other names, such as: - Whole Life - Universal Life - Variable Life - Interest Sensitive Life - Non-Participating Life (no dividends) - Participating Life (pays dividends) Many life insurance agents and companies tout their products as an investment product. But cash value insurance is not an investment. Investment dollars and insurance premiums should never be combined into one product. And investment dollars should NEVER be invested with an insurance company. They are middle men. They will take your investment and invest it themselves, and keep the difference. Think about the methods that agents use to sell life insurance, and compare them to any other type of insurance. What you'll see is that life insurance sales tactics and techniques are ridiculous when compared to other insurance products. Would you ever consider buying a car insurance policy, or homeowners policy, or business insurance policy in which you paid extra premium that the insurance company kept, or made you borrow from them? But, curiously, life insurance agents have been wildly successful convincing otherwise intelligent people that cash value life insurance is a good product to buy. Care to guess why insurance agents have aggressively sold cash value insurance and eschewed term insurance? Commissions. The insurance companies have become vastly wealthy on cash value insurance. So, to encourage sales, they pay huge commissions. Term insurance commissions can range from 10% to 50%, sometimes even 100%. But cash value insurance commissions can be up to 100% of the first year's premium, and handsome renewal commissions for years after. But it's not just the commission rate that matters. It's also the premium rates that come into play. Term insurance is FAR CHEAPER than cash value insurance. Here's an example of a 30 year old male, non-smoker, buying $100,000 of coverage: Term insurance costs $0.50 per thousand for a premium of $50.00. At 100% commission, the commission would be $50.00. Cash Value insurance costs $12.50 per thousand for a premium of $1,250.00. At 100% commission, the commission would be $1,250.00. So you see that it would be easy for an agent to place his own financial well-being ahead of the well-being of his client. He would have to sell 25 term policies to make the same commission as only one cash value policy. But, in my opinion, that agent would have violated his fiduciary duty to the client, which is the duty to place the client's needs above his own. The agent would also have to set aside his conscience.